• Date: October 11-13, 2023
  • Location: École Supérieure d’Agricultures, Angers, France

In a world where climate change is reshaping landscapes and societal values are evolving, the harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation becomes paramount. The International Conference on “Climate Change and New Societal Expectations: Agroecological Transition within Geographical Indications” is poised to be a pivotal event aimed at navigating this delicate balance.

Geographical Indications: Guardians of Tradition

Geographical Indications (GIs) have long played a crucial role in preserving the heritage of local communities while ensuring the authenticity of products. These designations, often tied to specific regions, encapsulate the essence of a place, its traditions, and its unique terroir. However, the accelerated pace of climate change and the emergence of new societal expectations have introduced a series of challenges for GIs and the communities they represent.

Agroecological Transition: Navigating Challenges with Innovation

As climate disruption intensifies, agriculture faces unprecedented trials. This is where agroecology comes into play – the harmony between ecological principles and agricultural practices. Agroecology offers a path forward, aligning agriculture with nature, promoting resilience, and strengthening sustainability. This conference recognizes the critical juncture at which Geographical Indications find themselves, as the adoption of agroecological practices becomes essential for preserving both tradition and the environment.

Highlights of the Conference

The one-day conference, scheduled for October 12, will bring together a diverse international audience, ranging from experts in geographical indications and agroecology to institutional and professional stakeholders. On October 12, 2023, visionaries, experts, and stakeholders from around the world will convene at the École Supérieure d’Agricultures in Angers, France, to engage in a profound conversation about the future of agriculture, sustainability, and the preservation of cultural heritage. Expect inspiring plenary sessions in the morning, followed by immersive parallel workshops in the afternoon. These workshops will explore three key areas:

  1. Agroecology in Agronomic Practices within GIs: Explore how agroecological practices can be smoothly integrated into the cultivation of GI products, fostering a sustainable future for agriculture and the environment.
  2. Agroecology in Supply Chain Logic: Delve into the complex interaction between producer organizations, processors, distributors, and consumers to drive agroecological transition throughout the supply chain.
  3. Agroecology in Local Consumption and Territorial Dynamics: Discover how innovative food processing and collective dining practices can promote the consumption of agroecological products while strengthening local economies.

Enriching Field Visits to Complete the Experience

In addition to the conference, field visits are planned for October 11, 2023. These visits will provide a unique opportunity to closely explore agroecological practices implemented within Geographical Indications. Participants will have the chance to observe how producers integrate these sustainable practices into their methods of work and discuss with them the challenges and opportunities they encounter.

Join the Conversation

This conference is not just an event; it’s a catalyst for change. It’s a platform to share innovative ideas, develop collaborative strategies, and envision a future where Geographical Indications and agroecological practices seamlessly converge. Together, we will explore how to ensure the integrity of traditional products while adapting to the demands of a changing world.

Registration Details

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this transformative dialogue. Reserve your spot at the International Conference on “Climate Change and New Societal Expectations: Agroecological Transition within Geographical Indications.”

To register and learn more about the event’s program, visit our official website:

International Conference Angers 2023

or contact:

Isabella Maglietti Smith, MSc
Communication Manager isabella@origin-for-sustainability.org

Mark your calendars for October 2023. Join us in shaping a future where tradition, innovation, and sustainability intertwine harmoniously in the vibrant mosaic of agriculture and culture.

Categories: Non classé