Forum ODT 2022

“What strategies for the sustainability of localized agri-food systems in the face of the climate crisis?”


A first workshop will focus on the impacts of differentiation strategies on the sustainability and resilience of territories to climate change.

A second workshop will focus on the theme of research on mountain territories, which are particularly affected by the effects of climate change

A third workshop will bring together researchers, experts and field actors, around the theme of “OneHealth” global health of ecosystems, animals and human populations, and strategies to restore or improve it.

A fourth workshop will review the resilience strategies of territories based on the search for food sovereignty, sometimes with a view to achieving food autonomy.

A final workshop will focus on the role of public policies in the agroecological transition of territories in the global context

Schedule Forum ODT

Wednesday 18th October

International Mountain Conference Program

Zoom links at the bottom of this page

Thursday 20th October

Friday 21st October