MOVING (MOuntain Valorisation through INterconnectedness and Green growth) is a Horizon 2020 (2020-2024) project bringing together 23 partner organizations, located in different regions of Europe. The project will build capacity and jointly develop policy frameworks across Europe.

What is the MOVING project objective?

To establish new or scaled-up value chains in mountain areas in order to strengthen their resilience and sustainability in the face of climate change.

What is the role of Origin for Sustainability in the MOVING project?

Origin for sustainability is

  • Partenaire: representing the Swiss Jura, we are investigating the value chain of Tête de Moine PDO cheese.
  • Work Package leader
    • Designing and carrying out foresight exercises through workshops with local stakeholders,
    • to enable regional, interregional, and EU CoPs to co-construct shared strategies and policies that could shape the future toward more sustainable and resilient mountain territories.
    • We also help to develop the foresight exercise in the 23 partner regions.

For more information, check the MOVING project preliminary results.